GSRTC Kumbh Booking
GSRTC provides special buses for Kumbh Mela. Check availability and booking on their website.
Night Stay at Yagraj
Night stay at Yagraj is done in the dormitory of Guju Night Pavilion.
Bus Timings
- T no. 3 Vadodara to Thana bus timings
- T no. 2 Ahmedabad Queen s Bus Stop instead of Bus Stop
- T no. 1 Ahmedabad Ranip Bus Stop Thana Thana Bus Timings
Investment Arrangements
There is no arrangement for Yagraj Makumereva; you are responsible for making arrangements for investment on the first and second day.
Details and Other Information of Yagraj True Package
You are requested to keep this text with you.
Travel Information
Bus will reach Shivpuri (MP) station.
- Devs-N, Devs-4
- Time: 06:00 am - 08:00 pm
- Ishwapur (MP): 1:00 pm - 11:00 am - 07:00 pm - Evening 07:00 pm
Day 2: From Arrival - Day 3 Instead of Sadhu
Day 2 to Naan at Sadhu Yagraj, from Arit Yagraj to Yagraj Arrival
Time: 06:00 am - 06:00 pm
Return Journey
Ahmedabad Ranip returned - Yagraj arrival.
Bus Stops & Locations
- Shivpuri (MP) station
- Baran (MP)
- Baroda (MP)
- Baramulla (MP)
Important Notes
- There is an estimated walking distance of 5 km at Yagraj destination.
- Keep warm clothes, copies of ID, power bank, and necessary medicines.
- Queues may be closed at any time; pilgrims are requested to be patient.
- Due to the increase in the number of pilgrims, vehicle arrangements may change.
:: May you be blessed with love ::
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